And once we broke through the gates, it was on. The dynamic duo was in full force.
First up was the teacups. For a 3 year old, Sadie sure does remember Disneyland. She had set out quite the itinerary for us. And to her request, "Alice" was first. The teacups really make me nauseous, especially when I am trying to take pictures the whole time. Then we made our way over to Toon Town so Sammy could see Mickey Mouse. Sadie was having no part of the characters. She would look at them from far away, but no way was she getting close. So Sam-a-loo and I waited 45 MINUTES to see Mickey. When it was finally our turn, this is what we got...

It was like he didn't know what to do. He wouldn't smile. He wouldn't talk. He wouldn't look at Mickey. It was like he awestruck. But it did make for a cute picture. So presh! :)
It was like he didn't know what to do. He wouldn't smile. He wouldn't talk. He wouldn't look at Mickey. It was like he awestruck. But it did make for a cute picture. So presh! :)
After lunch, we made our way over to Pirates. After some candy bribery, Sadie agreed to go. She is quite the Diva, and doesn't particularly enjoy Pirates. It was evident when she requested to ride like this...
The rest of the day's events are somewhat of a blur but that's what we get for leaving Las Vegas and driving to California at 6 in the morning. I give ALOT of credit to people that have twins. I was exhausted by the end of the day. And even though these two weren't even related, they sure acted like siblings. Every time I would turn my head Sammy was pulling Sadie's hair or stepping on her toes or just giving us "the look" like he was plotting to figure out a way to do something he wasn't supposed to. And then we would catch them like this...
But every Princess needs her picture taken with the castle, and Sadie was no exception. I got about 15 cute shots of her just beaming, knowing she was in front of the castle. She loved it!
And this is the best that Sammy would give me. About 10 seconds after this was taken, he chucked those Mickey ears that he HAD TO HAVE over the castle walls. I could have killed...
Emily insisted that we stay and watch Fantasmic because she had never seen it before. The kids were exhausted but actually stayed up and watched the whole thing. Once it was over, we started to brave the crowds to leave the park. Before we even got out of Frontierland, Sadie was out.

And right before we left the gates, Sammy was a goner too.

This was the first time Sammy had been old enough to actually realize what was going on and I think he really enjoyed himself. Of course, the one thing we didn't do was ride the big train and that's the only thing he keeps talking about. "Wee ngo to De-ne-land and wide the twain Ka-wa?"
When we got home Harvey was asking him about his trip and Sammy told him that he rode a boat and saw the animals (Jungle Cruise). Harvey asked him what animals he saw, and Sammy told him, "Sharks." Sharks, Sammy? Sure you were on the same boat as me?
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