I really should just give up on this whole blog idea. I am TERRIBLE at keeping up with it. But I love looking back at the old posts, and I actually like writing them. Anyways, when I plugged my camera in to upload pictures from Liz's baby shower I realized how many pictures I had taken and not blogged/facebooked. So needless to say, I am catching up.
Steven and Sammy were in swimming lessons at the beginning of the summer and did really well. This was the first formal swimming lessons either of them had and they learned so much. Steven went from not swimming at all to almost being able to swim without floaties. He has so much confidence, and will even jump off the diving board! Sammy did really well too. His class was more of a water safety class, where they taught them what to do if they fell in. And with only a few more lessons he would probably be not too far behind his brother.
Steven and Sammy were in swimming lessons at the beginning of the summer and did really well. This was the first formal swimming lessons either of them had and they learned so much. Steven went from not swimming at all to almost being able to swim without floaties. He has so much confidence, and will even jump off the diving board! Sammy did really well too. His class was more of a water safety class, where they taught them what to do if they fell in. And with only a few more lessons he would probably be not too far behind his brother.

Harvey took me to the beach on a whim. We talked about going at lunchtime one day and after dinner he rented a car and we left the next morning. It was so nice to get away and have a relaxing weekend. We hung out at Bubbe's beach house (eventhough we never actually made it to the beach), went and checked out the stores from one of my favorite shows, Storage Wars, and even went to Disneyland and IKEA. And what beach trip wouldn't be complete without a donut or two...God I love him!
Then little Nathan, Harvey's youngest nephew, turned two! He is the cutest little thing EVER. Still refuses to talk, but can hum and mumble with his mouth shut like nothing I've ever seen before. He loves Katy Perry on the radio, the clicker for the fan, and can find lost cell phones like it's no one's business. He adores his older brother Steven, and has to do everything just like him. Nathan is growing up way too fast!

We had alot of birthdays to celebrate! Katie turned 13! I can't believe that the littlest Lee is finally a teenager. She has grown up to be the most caring, good natured and fun loving kid I know. She will help anybody whenever they need it and loves to help out with kids. She is such an amazing diver and does great in school. I know that she will go far in whatever it is she chooses to do in life. Harvey and I both couldn't be prouder of her!!!

Steven graduated Kindergarten is year. Anybody that knows anything knows that Steven is Harvey's favorite little person in the world, so this was something that was very emotional for Harvey. He was so proud of Steven, as was everyone else. I can't believe he is getting so big and smart, and it is so much fun to be involved in his life. His graduation ceremony was so cute. They sang a bunch of little songs, with corresponding hand motions, and then got little diplomas. Harvey videotaped the entire thing if anyone cares to watch... He stood on the stage like a soldier, and was so serious when they called his name. We just love that little man!

Fourth of July was eventful to say the least. Between swimming, eating, and setting the neighbors bushes on fire with stray illegal fireworks, we had a fun filled evening. Good thing the fire chief was there to supervise aka sit in his chair and watch the rest of us scramble to find a hose that would reach...

I was

And then for Father's Day we spent the day at Lake Las Vegas with Harvey's family and the boys. It was nice to get down to the water, and the kids loved the sand. So nice to have something like that so close to Vegas!
And to cap off the MOTHERupLOAD of an update, I can't resist posting these random but.oh.so.cute pictures...