Harvey and I are so blessed to be able to celebrate two religious holidays around this time of year, however, it makes us two very busy people. Last Tuesday and Friday we celebrated the Passover holiday with Harvey's side of the family. It is so nice to be able to be a part of such a wonderful celebration, one that is cherished and so nicely celebrated by both sides of Harvey's family, each in their own way. Both were full of Jewish traditions, great food, and family. And call me a terrible person, but I got NO pictures of either one!
And then came the Easter festivities. Boy did we celebrate. First, was a little party we had for all the little kids up at Kayla's house. Mama Bear, as all the kids
lovingly call my mom, had a little Easter egg hunt, we ate some grub, decorated some cookies, and dyed some eggs. The kids had SUCH a great time, as you can tell by the pictures I actually did take ;)
Kayla just moved into her house, so she doesn't have many toys for kids under 3 to play with. Nothing a doggy door and kennel can't fix.
Ka-doodle, Angelica the Diva, Bubba, Mikey, Sam-a-loo, and Na-fer aka Kadaj, Sadie, Brody, Steven, Sammy, and Nathan
Sammy and Mama Bear decorating cookies.

Then Sunday, Easter morning, Lauri, Jhonna and the boys came over for breakfast. We had usual, pancakes, bacon, sausage, and some OJ. Oh, did I mention they were "bunny pancakes."

Then Harvey and I got ready and headed to my grandparents' house for Easter lunch. My Baba always cooks a big meal and the whole family comes over to eat and have an Easter egg hunt. I will never get too old for Baba's egg hunt, wanna know why? Cuz all her eggs are filled with money. She saves her BINGO winnings all year to be able to fill the eggs. And the best part is that when we find them all, there is a bonus egg. She puts 6 eggs out on the wall, one for each granddaughter, green, purple, pink, blue, orange, and yellow. Five with dollar bills, and one with a twenty.
Now this is when the sweet Easter celebration turns a little bit sour. I have been known to have a stroke of great luck when it comes to sniffing out the extra loot.
Like, I've won 4 of the last 5 years. One of the years I was in college and wasn't able to come home so everyone else picked their egg first and I got what was leftover. What was inside? The twenty, which my grandma shipped to me, egg and all. Last year, after being accused of cheating, I let little Sadie pick for me. What was inside? The twenty. And this year... After the wind knocked the eggs off the wall and Baba had to mix the money up and restuff the eggs, I went with my favorite color, yellow. I'll give you one guess as to what was inside.

Overall, we had a wonderful Easter celebration that we were able to enjoy with our family and friends. And I think Pap had a good time too!